Friday, June 21, 2013

Park and Pool

I wanted to take Grace to the park so we could try putting her in a swing. I hadn't been to any parks around here so I just randomly chose Webb Bridge Park. It turned out to be awesome!

There is a shallow fresh water stream that runs through the park. All of the kids (and Chipper) loved playing in the water.  

Grace got to swing with Grandpa!

There was also an awesome xylophone.

I should have gotten more pictures! Mom, Dad and I agreed it was probably the best kid's park we had ever been to! I wish we had something like this closer to us in Texas, for when Grace is older and can actually play!

After the park, Dad and I took Grace over to the YMCA pool. It's a perfect pool for babies because its one of those "beach" type pools that starts out really shallow. (Grace is wearing her bumblebee swimsuit that Grandma and Aunt Lindsay got for her. You can't see, but it has tiny wings sewn onto the back. It kills me.)

The last time we took Grace to the pool, she wasn't very excited about it. This time, she finally seemed to warm up to the water and had a blast splashing around! 

Can you find Grandpa??

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